It begins.... Again...
Well it's finally here, the start of the 2010 Log Canoe Season! Today (Saturday June 26th) there will be one race, starting at or around 2:30pm. Then two races on Sunday (June 27th) I'm assuming that the first race will be a 10:00am Start and the second race will be a 2:00pm or 2:30pm start.
The winter was pretty intense this year and Canoe season came up very quick, which is a nice alternative to 22 inches of snow. This will be our 151st year of organized Log Canoe Racing which we are all proud to continue the tradition.
The JayDee has been stripped down, and refitted (restored) this winter and sailed her first sail last night. Successfully!! It is not only exciting to see a Log Canoe get restored and become faster, stronger, better, but also this will add another 20-30 years onto her life span for the next generation keeping this ancient sport alive.
Come down to the MRYC or the Miles River today around 2pm and support the Log Canoes!